Dear valued customers: We are transitioning to online delivery orders only. If you have any queries please email us. Thank you for all your support.

Discover The Joy of Flowers

Flowers, Gifts and Hampers for all occasions 

Browse flowers


Couldn't have asked for more amazing bouquets and cake flowers. So helpful with choosing the flowers & advising me of a baker for my wedding cake. Thanks Ladies

Angela Savage

Great atmosphere, very helpful and wide variety to choose from! 

Ian Urquhart

The Kingsley Amateur Football Club would like to express our thanks to you for the wonderful wreaths you provided to our Club at very reasonable price for our service to acknowledge the 15th year of the Bali Bombings. 

All feedback from those at our gathering of an estimated 100 people, was praise for the beautifully appropriate red and blue wreaths.  Each wreath represented one life of each of our seven young men whose lives were taken in these bombings and were appreciated by the friends and families. 

Thank your once again for more than fulfilling our vision for the wreaths as a floral tribute for the families who lost their sons to lay during our service.

Amanda McIlroy Hon Sec KAFC